CSI ColorReader PRO

CSI offers a unique tool that allows customers to search color targets and find existing matches. In partnership with Datacolor, CSI has developed a workflow that allows customers to find matches from the CSI ColorWall, CSI Color Library, and even the Custom Color libraries of their clients.

Color Search

  • Portable search tool to identify existing colors in your library

  • Capture and share inspiration colors between Brands and Divisions

  • Easily find coordinating colors while building palettes

  • Minimize time and cost when creating new colors

This innovative approach offers a cost-effective and time-saving way for brands and retailers to find colors and add them to color palettes. This solution allows brands to accelerate palette creation, reduce the cost of color development and ensure color quality and evaluation throughout the supply chain.

It can be paired with a mobile device via Bluetooth. The ColorReader App is available for iPhone or Android smartphones. It can be configured to allow the user to access additional color libraries, build and share color palettes, or find coordinating colors.

To learn more about ColorReader PRO or see how CSI can make your library of colors available to search

Color Solutions International is the leading provider of color standards and color communication tools. Find out what CSI can do for you.